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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - or


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 I. noun  Etymology: 1or  Date: circa 1956 a logical operator that requires either of two inputs to be present or conditions to be met for an output to be made or a statement to be executed ~ gate in a computer  II. abbreviation  1. operating room  2. operational research; operations research  3. Oregon  4. owner's risk  5. own recognizance OR  I. noun suffix  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French -ur, -our, -eour & Latin ~; Anglo-French -ur, -our, from Latin ~; Anglo-French -eour, from Latin -ator, from -a-, verb stem + -tor, agent suffix; akin to Greek -tor, agent suffix, Sanskrit -ta one that does a (specified) thing grantor  II. noun suffix  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French -ur, ~ from Latin ~ condition ; activity demeanor OR  I. conjunction  Etymology: Middle English, alteration of other, alteration of Old English oththe; akin to Old High German eddo ~  Date: 13th century  1. — used as a function w~d to indicate an alternative coffee ~ tea sink ~ swim, the equivalent ~ substitutive character of two w~ds ~ phrases lessen ~ abate, ~ approximation ~ uncertainty in five ~ six days  2. archaic either  3. archaic whether  4. — used in logic as a sentential connective that f~ms a complex sentence which is true when at least one of its constituent sentences is true; compare disjunction  II. preposition  Etymology: Middle English, from ~, adverb, early, bef~e, from Old N~se ar; akin to Old English ?r early — m~e at ere  Date: 13th century archaic bef~e  III. conjunction  Date: 13th century archaic bef~e  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, gold, from Latin aurum — m~e at aureus  Date: 15th century the heraldic col~ gold ~ yellow
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  abbr. 1 operational research. 2 US Oregon (in official postal use). 3 other ranks. OR 1. conj. 1 a introducing the second of two alternatives (white or black). b introducing all but the first, or only the last, of any number of alternatives (white or grey or black; white, grey, or black). 2 (often prec. by either) introducing the only remaining possibility or choice given (take it or leave it; either come in or go out). 3 (prec. by whether) introducing the second part of an indirect question or conditional clause (ask him whether he was there or not; must go whether I like or dislike it). 4 introducing a synonym or explanation of a preceding word etc. (suffered from vertigo or giddiness). 5 introducing a significant afterthought (he must know - or is he bluffing?). 6 = or else (run or you'll be late). 7 poet. each of two; either (or in the heart or in the head). Phrases and idioms not A or B not A, and also not B. one or two (or two or three etc.) colloq. a few. or else 1 otherwise (do it now, or else you will have to do it tomorrow). 2 colloq. expressing a warning or threat (hand over the money or else). or rather introducing a rephrasing or qualification of a preceding statement etc. (he was there, or rather I heard that he was). or so (after a quantity or a number) or thereabouts (send me ten or so). Etymology: reduced form of obs. other conj. (which superseded OE oththe or), of uncert. orig. 2. n. & adj. Heraldry --n. a gold or yellow colour. --adj. (usu. following noun) gold or yellow (a crescent or). Etymology: F f. L aurum gold OR 1. suffix forming nouns denoting a person or thing performing the action of a verb, or an agent more generally (actor; escalator; tailor) (see also -ATOR, -ITOR). Etymology: L -or, -ator, etc., sometimes via AF -eour, OF -{euml}or, -{euml}ur 2. suffix forming nouns denoting state or condition (error; horror). Etymology: L -or -oris, sometimes via (or after) OF -or, -ur 3. suffix forming adjectives with comparative sense (major; senior). Etymology: AF -our f. L -or 4. suffix US = -OUR(1). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от omnidirectional (radio) range всенаправленный курсовой радиомаяк II сокр. от on request no запросу, по требованию III сокр. от operating range рабочий диапазон IV сокр. от operational requirements эксплуатационные требования V сокр. от operations research исследование операций VI сокр. от orbital rendezvous стыковка на орбите VII сокр. от order register регистр команд VIII сокр. от overall resistance полное сопротивление, импеданс ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  матем. или... или, либо... либо ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (Oregon) Орегон Почтовое сокращение названия штата ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. геральд. цвет золота 2. связывает два или несколько предложений или однородных членов предложения, указывает на выбор одной из двух возможностей или tomorrow or on Sunday —- завтра или в воскресенье open or shut —- закрытый или открытый shall I help you or you'd rather do it yourself? —- помочь вам или вы сделаете это сами? 3. указывает на выбор при перечислении или black, white or gray —- черный, белый или серый apples, pears or plums —- яблоки, груши или сливы 4. указывает на неопределенность или неточность или one or two —- один или два; один-два four or five miles —- четыре или пять миль a day or two —- день или два; день-два you may walk ten or over twelve miles there without finding a house —- там можно пройти десять-двенадцать миль и не увидеть ни одного дома or so —- около этого, приблизительно; почти, что-нибудь вроде этого he is twenty or so —- ему лет двадцать it will cost you five pounds or so —- это будет стоить вам около пяти фунтов in a month or so —- примерно через месяц I expect to stay in Moscow a day or so —- я думаю пробыть в Москве день-два 5. или, иначе, а (не) то put your coat on, or you'll catch cold —- наденьте пальто, а то вы простудитесь lay down your arms or we shot —- бросайте оружие, а (не) то мы будем стрелять 6. а не то будет плохо; смотри, пожалеешь do what I say or —- делай что сказано, а не то ......
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I cj. или or else - иначе make haste or else you will be late - торопитесь, иначе вы опоздаете or so - приблизительно, что-нибудь вроде этого II noun herald. золотой/желтый цвет OR I owners risk noun на риск владельца II Oregon noun Орегон ...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use or to link two or more alternatives. ‘Tea or coffee?’ John asked... He said he would try to write or call as soon as he reached the Canary Islands... Students are asked to take another course in English, or science, or mathematics. CONJ 2. You use or to give another alternative, when the first alternative is introduced by ‘either’ or ‘whether’. Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market... Either you can talk to him, or I will... I don’t know whether people will buy it or not... CONJ 3. You use or between two numbers to indicate that you are giving an approximate amount. Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day... Normally he asked questions, and had a humorous remark or two. CONJ 4. You use or to introduce a comment which corrects or modifies what you have just said. The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent... There was nothing more he wanted, or so he thought... CONJ 5. If you say that someone should do something or something unpleasant will happen, you are warning them that if they do not do it, the unpleasant thing will happen. She had to have the operation, or she would die. = otherwise CONJ 6. You use or to introduce something which is evidence for the truth of a statement you have just made. He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn’t have wasted time on her, I suppose. = otherwise CONJ 7. You use or no or or not to emphasize that a particular thing makes no difference to what is going to happen. Chairman or no, if I want to stop the project, I can... The first difficulty is that, old-fashioned or not, it is very good. PHRASE: group PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You use or no between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that whether something is true or not makes no difference to a situation. The next day, rain or no rain, it...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ conjunction 1 used between two things or before the last in a list of possibilities, things that people can choose from etc  (Do you want to leave now or would you rather set off later? | Was it London, Paris or Rome where you first met Maxim? | or anything/something spoken (=or something of the same kind))  (Would you like a coffee or something? | I wasn't trying to push in or anything. | either... or...)  (If either Lennie or Miranda calls, I'm not at home.)  (- compare either3) 2 used after a negative v when you mean not one thing and also not another thing  (He doesn't have a television or a video. | Sonia never cleans or even offers to wash the dishes.) 3 used to warn or advise someone that if they do not do something, something they do not want will happen  (Wear your coat or you'll catch cold. | or else)  (You have to roll the clothes very tightly or else they won't all fit in the rucksack. | You'd better be there, or else. (=used to threaten someone)) 4 used to correct something that you have said or to give more specific information  (It's going to snow tomorrow, or that's what the forecast says. | She was born in Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City as it is now called. | or rather)  (The computer software is old, or rather very out of date.) 5 used to explain why something happens or to show that something must be true  (He must be very drunk or he wouldn't keep falling down. | or else)  (It's either a coincidence they're so alike, or else they are related in some way.) 6 a minute/a mile/twenty etc or so a particular amount or a little more  (They had to wait an hour or so for the police to arrive.) 7 a minute/a dollar etc or two a small amount or number of something  (I saw Nigel leaving a second or two ago.) or ~ suffix in nouns the form used for ­er in certain words  (an actor (=someone who acts) | an inventor) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Oriented physiol. abbr. Operating room physiol. abbr. Open Reduction st. & loc. abbr. Oregon NASA abbr. Operational Requirement U.S. gov. abbr. Operational Requirement mil. abbr. Operational Requirement mil. abbr. Operational Readiness mil. abbr. Operations Research 2-let. lang. abbr. Oriya meteo abbr. Oak Ridge Operations Office univ. abbr. Operations Research adult abbr. Orgasm Response gen. comp. abbr. Originator / Recipient comp. assem. abbr. Logical OR telec. abbr. Office Regenerator gen. bus. abbr. Operational Requirement firm name abbr. Outdoor Retailer account. abbr. Operations Research ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1200, reduced form of obsolete conjunction other, from O.E. oююe; and from M.E. outher, from O.E. ahwжюer (pron.). The contraction took place in the second term of an alternative, such as either ... or, a common construction in O.E. (cf. nor) ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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